Word: idea
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something understood, planned, or
Synonyms: aim, approximation, belief, believed abstraction, brainstorm*, clue, concept, conception, conclusion, conviction, design, doctrine, end, essence, estimate, fancy, feeling, flash*, form, guess, hint, hypothesis, import, impression, inkling, intention, interpretation, intimation, judgment, meaning, notion, object, objective, opinion, pattern, perception, plan, purpose, reason, scheme, sense, significance, solution, suggestion, suspicion, teaching, theory, thought, understanding, view, viewpoint

Word: assemble
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: congregate
Synonyms: accumulate, agglomerate, amass, bring together, bunch, bunch up, call, call together, capture*, collect, come together, convene, convoke, corral*, flock, gang up, gather, group, hang around, hang out*, huddle, lump, make the scene, meet, meet up, mobilize, muster, rally, reunite, round up, scare up, summon, unite

​idea + assemble

mcevoy i+a is an Ottawa based design consultant firm providing: project management; design planning; graphic design;  and architectural illustrations services for the fields of interior design, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, events management and temporary installations.  

mcevoy i+a is also a research design studio providing ideas and proposals to: identify urban development opportunities; initiate public discourse and raise public awareness for urban design; and foster beneficial partnerships between public and private agencies.

mcevoy i+a also retains a drawing archive of over a hundred original hand drawn Ottawa building landmarks and scenes. mcevoy i+a provides architectural illustration services in both traditional and digital formats and retains some of Ottawa's top architectural illustrators.

​​Our goal is to build a better capital city by promoting and supporting urban events, festivals and architectural and urban development opportunities.

We have provided consultation services for a wide range of projects and clients including the: City of Ottawa; CBC; Molson; Domicile Developments; Power Sports Canada, Real Sports Bar and Grill, Ottawa Swimming Pools; Knock on Wood; and H.O.P.E Ottawa; for various sports, concerts, and charity events or development concepts.

mcevoy i+a
62 Pamilla Street
Ottawa, ON
K1S 3K8

Phone: 613-282-6199
Email: mcevoy.ia@gmail.com

mcevoy i + a    |     about     |    contact
mcevoy i + a
illustration design + architecture development
C h a u d i e r e    F o l l i e s
C h a u d i e r e    F o l l i e s
F  i  r  s  t       N  a  t  i  o  n  s       E  m  b  a  s  s  y
F  i  r  s  t       N  a  t  i  o  n  s       E  m  b  a  s  s  y